StandUp 2 MS Fundraising Campaign | Mind Brain Foundation
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MBPF’s inaugural campaign is to raise $3MM in support of several promising research efforts taking place at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City under Dr. Tim Vartanian in collaboration with scientists at The Rockefeller University. These investigations all target the mind-brain disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Two areas of focus are

  • Repurposing Drugs for Myelin Regeneration
  • Developing a Vaccine Against Clostridium Perfringens in the Gut

We have started the campaign by focusing on supporting the three researchers who are most closely involved in these research efforts: $150K to fund three researchers for one year. We donated the first $25K in January 2023, and have $125K more to go.

1. Funding Ongoing Research Efforts to Repurpose FDA-Approved Drugs

The first effort looks at funding regenerative medicine research targeted to promote repair in the Central Nervous System.

Specifically, we aim to fund ongoing research efforts to repurpose FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis through the regeneration of the myelin sheath. Investigators need to conduct Phase I/II clinical studies as well as medicinal chemistry to optimize lead candidate drugs.

Estimated initial funding of $3MM will be used to identify which drugs already FDA approved for other illnesses are most likely to benefit MS patients.

>> Learn More About Repurposing Drugs as Remyelination Agents <<

MS is the disease we are targeting in the StandUp 2 MS fundraising campaign.

We are funding ongoing research efforts to repurpose FDA-approved drugs


identify possible connections between human gut pathogens and the brain.

$3MM Fundraising campaign to repurpose FDA approved drugs for myelin regeneration.

2. Fundraising to Develop a Specific Gut Vaccine

Based on studies that members of the Mind Brain Philanthropic Foundation have participated in, there are differences in the gut microbiome of those with MS and non-MSers.

The fundraising, then, also wants to explore the possible connection between epsilon toxin-producing strains of Clostridium perfringens within the gut microbiome of MS patients and whether it targets explicitly the blood-brain barrier and myelin.

If that connection does indeed exist, then a vaccine is in order.

>> Learn More About Clostridium Perfringens <<

Support the $3MM Mind Brain Philanthropic Foundation Fundraising Campaign!

We will continue to support organizations that the Mind Brain Philanthropic Foundation cares deeply about such as the National MS Society or MS Hope.

Thank you for reaching deep into your pockets to support mind-brain philanthropy and, more specifically, developing treatments for MS. Help us fight against Multiple Sclerosis.